We had a pretty low key weekend, but those are the kind I enjoy the most! On Friday night Jeremy came home from a business trip. Avery was thrilled to see him. Harper was a little unsure, what can I say she's a momma's girl!! I keep telling Jeremy that one day she will only want her daddy and not me. We shall see.
Saturday morning I got a couple workouts in, running and kickboxing. Then came home and played with my girls for a while. After their nap we went to a friends 1st birthday party. A & H took a while to warm up. Once they found the toys there was no turning back.
Avery didn't sleep much. She was ready to party. On the flip side Harper took a good nap. Baby girl must have been tired. I tried waking her up from her nap to go to the party, but she wasn't budging. So I decided to just leave the nursery door open, hoping she would hear Avery and I in the playroom.
Avery ran off and I found her trying to wake up Harper. Such a funny girl!! By the way, she was successful in her attempts.
After the birthday party we came home and had some grilled turkey burgers. Jeremy is pretty good at grilling! We enjoyed it a lot.
This morning we decided to skip church because the girls were in the temper tantrum mode. During breakfast I let them practice eating with a spoon on their own.It was messy, but they had fun!
We went to a local park to walk and then onto the grocery store. After their nap they seemed happier, so they must've just been tired. Avery is normally pretty independent. She had me worried that she might be coming down with something. Hopefully it's just a molar coming in though.
Tonight we had dinner and just played. Pretty boring weekend, but I wanted to write it down so I remember these special times.
Have a great week!!
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