Almost 6 months ago our sweet twins arrived. Our life is CrAzY!! Everyday is exciting, entertaining and sometimes exhausting. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I wanted to record these memories, because I know one day they will just be a blur. So here I go...
There's not a whole lot going on here lately....ha ha! Just enjoying every second with these cute little munchkins.

They are extremely busy!! Miss Avery is rolling everywhere. We walk away for a moment, come back and we never know where we will find her. Needless to say, baby proofing will be happening very soon. Also, they have really started to enjoy the Jumperoo and Exersaucer.

Which means mommy can work a little on these items from time to time. Enter sarcasm here....those toys only entertain for a few minutes.

Seriously, I need a cleaning fairy to come live with me. My house looks like a tornado blew through the house. If you knew me pre-children, I'm sure you are laughing hysterically. I find comfort in having a clean and organized house. Lets just say, it is far from that now. Ha ha!!!!
Every morning I have at least two cups of coffee to jump start my day. Only had one cup so far today. I just put the twins down for their morning nap, so I'm drinking my second cup cold. Avery decided to have a blow out. Therefore, my second cup of coffee had to wait. Poop was everywhere...on the carpet, a blanket on the floor and all over her. So now a load of laundry is going, Avery has received a bath and I put them both down for their nap.

Oh by the way, Max and Madison are still here! They love the babies a lot. Miss Madison is constantly counting to make sure everyone is accounted for. She's like a little mother hen.

In the midst of all the craziness at our house, I'm trying to gear up for back to school time. Scored some items at the teacher store yesterday. Also, I got all my classroom furniture put back in place. My goal is to work on it little by little over the next couple of weeks.

In addition to taking care of the twins, cleaning house, doing laundry, washing bottles and getting my classroom ready...I have started training for my first post baby 5k. This past Saturday I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement. Felt so good to get back out there again. Also, loved catching up with my good friend Shannon. Haven't seen her much since the twins arrived.

Now I wish that this triple digit heat would disappear. Would love to take the girls for a walk outside, instead we will just have to enjoy the view from our back window.

Well I gotta go. Time to wash bottles, throw my hair in a pony tail, maybe throw a touch of makeup on and conquer this day.
Happy Tuesday!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Loved this post- oh! The sweet reality of mommy hood. :)