Wednesday, January 4, 2012

32 Weeks and Counting

It has been a great week here in the hospital!! The babies are moving a lot and seem to be getting bigger everyday. As you can tell in my picture below, they have grown a lot since last week. My tummy looks HUGE!!! Dr. H still isn't giving us any indication as to when they will schedule the c-section. Still just taking it week by week. I have a feeling they will be here by the end of January. The reason I say that is because he doesn't want me to go into labor on my own because of the velamentous cord insertion issue. It would be much safer if we have a scheduled c-section. Time will only tell. Thank you for the continued prayers.

I look huge compared to the picture last week!

How Far Along: 32 Weeks
Size of baby: Yesterday they measured Avery at 3 lb. 14 oz. and Harper at 3 lb. 8 oz.
Gender: Two precious girls...Harper Faith Kendle and Avery Ryan Kendle
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing my pj's.
Weight gain: 21 pounds total. Three pounds in a week...WOW!
Sleep: Still sleeping really well.
Symptoms: Still having some braxton hicks and round ligament pain. This is the first week that I have felt uncomfortable. Eating is getting much harder because I just don't have any room for it to go.
Cravings: No cravings!
Best moment this week: There have been several wonderful moments this week.
  • Jeremy and my mom were busy at the house over the weekend. They rearranged furniture, took down the Christmas decor and rearranged a couple of closets. It's such a relief that I won't have to worry about it when I get home. J
  • Jeremy had a rather long list of items that we needed to buy before the babies arrive. He finished the list over the weekend...LOVE my husband to pieces. He has a lot on his plate and seems to be handling it very well.
  • My good friend, Meredith, bought some adorable onsie's for the twins. Can't wait to see them on Harper and Avery.
  • Another wonderful friend brought us a bottle of champagne to enjoy after the babies arrive. Thank you Misty!
  • My father in law came down to Dallas on Saturday and surprised us. Jeremy was thrilled to spend time with him.
  • Yesterday we received some beautiful flowers from Melissa and Jordan (my brother-in-law and sister-in-law). They are refreshing to look at here in my room.
Pregnancy Highlights: 
According to Babycenter I should be gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to the  babies. In fact, they will gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next few weeks as they fatten up for survival outside the womb. They now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Their skin is becoming soft and smooth as they plump up in preparation for birth.
(All information taken from
Well that is it until next week!