Avery you are still rolling all over the place. Before long I think you will be crawling. It is just a matter of time. You absolutely LOVE to bounce in the Jumperoo. You get so excited in it. Also, you have the cutest little belly laugh. You laugh pretty easily and you think your daddy is hilarious. Within the past month you started wearing a DOC band because you have a flat spot on the back of your head. We have noticed a huge difference in such a short amount of time.

Harper are rolling a lot more. In fact we find you on your belly a lot. You keep lifting up on your hands like you want to crawl. It will be a matter of time before that happens. Also, you have started saying baa, baa, baa a of the time. I'm still working on momma...maybe one day soon. Harper you love playing in the Jumperoo and Excersaucer. the toys are so fascinating to you. Also, you love to try and pet Madison. I'm sure the two of you will be best friends one day.

You both gravitate towards one another. I have no doubt you will be best friends. It is so neat to watch the two of you interact.

Sooner football has begun. The two of you were able to sport your OU attire. Boomer Sooner!!

Both of you are eating solids much better. Harper you seem to prefer solid food over your bottle. However, Avery you love your bottle. I think you would be thrilled if you didn't have to eat solids.

Can't wait to see how you change and grow over the next month. Sweet baby girls mommy and daddy love you to the moon and back!!

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